Anti-sect: A portal from the dangers of the sects expanding in the increasingly better one

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From sects generally
What is that sect?


I did not find the author of this article unfortunately. It Érsekvadkert (village on Hungary) I hit the series of articles on a church community's website, which one from the most known sects gives descriptions. But it fact, that the author with a Catholic emotion, and his series of articles was written based on the Catholic views from the sects.

From sects generally

We may have met the people spreading the doctrines differing from our faith in our wall, who would like time one and a young person equally, repeatedly to their camp. I visited into the Keszthely (city) Carmelite church under my Alsópáhok (village) residence. There and I managed to do an implement in the office an useful, onto a Catholic ingredient prepared by priests, which one would be liked on the road of Vadkerti Harangok (publication) help to publish. It distinctive first from the sects generally, then later in our homeland nowadays trendiest, mostly tropic sects demonstrates that he is not the elite living in that manner, but the devoted intention of the search of the astray lamb controls it. The it does not want to condemn it peoples' faith, would like to point out those dots merely, where it differs from the Christ norm. It will be a word generally in a first part from the sects, furthering the easier intelligibility with it.

1./  What we call sect?

Religious communities like that, that they make themselves derive from the doctrines of the religious communities of one of the big cultures and his practice, but they do not wish to identify with it after all. The sect word the Latin sequor (delegate) derives from a word. It acts between the hungarian equivalents of the word, that you mislead them, tinkled from the flock. And really, the separation is typical of all sect, taking on a some kind of special tendency, where the leader is most essential, the guru, the founder's person, and opposite him the already menial subjection. Their activity may lead to the sending of the personality.

2./  The sects' grouping

  • Christian sects (for example the Congregation of Faith ('Hit Gyülekezet'), where the initial dot is the Jewish-Christian revelation though, though the not concealed capital aim the traditional Christianity, the historical churches' ruthless review.
  • Sects seeming a Christian (for example Jehovah's Witnesses), who refer to the Bible likewise, but they differ from the basis teaching of the Christianity on most essential dots.
  • Not Christian sects (for example Krishna Consciousness), they do not derive from the circle of the Christian religions, but they are similar to the two groups in his tickets.

3./  In how much destructive the sects?

The community that destroys values primary is destructive. Him expressing himself for the destruction may be with a legal sense if the community hurts it, ignores the laws, entirely the open resisting. A sect destroying then in an ethical value, if the community's members circumvent the society's moral laws (with it, that they commit tax fraud, or their members' voluntary property offer is expected). Destroyer being a teacher if the aim is not other, than somebody else in communities' cultures ripened the ruining of his teaching, onto which one they will be the doctrines of the satanism the best example.

I wish to observe that he is the Hungarian legality from among the trendy sects regards Jehovah's Witnesses as a destroyer like this, the Krishna Consciousness, the munist and the believers of the scientology.

4./  Why do the sects expand?

On Hungary the first spread reason the an era disappeared (fifty years of atheistic communist dictatorship) faith and anticlerical his campaign. Some transformation of regime happened vain (Hungary quit from behind the Iron Curtain in 1989), an aversion remained opposite the historical churches in many men. The religious claim wells up with elemental strength though, this but in a concrete case not the traditional communities, but it new, what the extreme liberalism furthers is directed towards trendy sects. The reason of the sects' spread yet the emotional impoverishment, the mysticism which can be digested easily, the parapsychology, behind the sects stretching economic and aiming at political power.

5./ What may the Catholic Church make?

It is necessary to enrich our religious life. It is necessary to take at least so much in a hand the Bible, than the sectarians make it. It is necessary to give a sensation in the liturgical events, and apart from them it it is not necessary to be afraid of the new manners of a celebration together. The Christianity may not close up the ranks behind the church's gates. It is necessary to show the strength of our faith. We may make much with the charitable work.

6./  What may the family make?

The young person takes shelter in the sect's faculties then, if loosened his family relationships. Because of this from the parental house avoiding, with our children living in an impersonal student hostel the contact keeping the most important parental task. The family has to provide emotional background for the upcoming generation always. And if our child was sectarian, then and it is necessary to look for the contact with him steady, leaving the door open always to the recurrence (a prodigal son's case).

7./  What the school may make?

The school has to reckon with the principle of the freedom of conscience, because of this any kind of, the exclusion being directed towards the sectarian child is not a correct thing. Literature on clocks, in the course of historical studies and the extension of the religion knowledge it is necessary to outline the sects' real face. Most capital medicine it this would mean it in a case if most are a school beyond the teaching would rear. The with a person centre, the school community being founded on the personal contacts is able to counterbalance it in the second stair possibly exposed one actor sectarian affection bombardment.


Source: Onto Apor Vilmos Catholic College ( doctrine, dr. István Ancsin 'Fundamental theology - The Religion' title writes the successors about the sects in his Note:

"Today's religious tendencies: free churches and sects

Since he is the present Fundamental theology - The religion title our Note not only in generality, but deals with concreteness with a certain degree with the phenomenon of the religion and the religions, we may leave that fact out of consideration in no way, that generally worldwide, the new religious movements proliferated intensive in a period following the political transformation though in our homeland, which ones making generalizations may enter sporting event for today's religious tendencies, inside this for free churches (for small churches) and for sects. (The names naturally not optional, with each other generally cannot be ransomed and cannot be substituted.). These religious tendencies - may be well their active members' number is not over the 1-2 percentages in our homeland - they are on a sign in the domestic religious life on an intensive manner, that for their activity, efficient organizational and for their recruitment methods, for their media performance, for their self-advertisement due. We undertake it merely shortly here since the presentation of the today's religious tendencies would demand a separate Note, that we situate them on the map of the religions, and we designate some peculiarities of theirs.

1.              Free church, small church, church

The free church expression already from the 19. century there is present in the religious concept collection - mainly in North-America -, where they are these him working always was considerable. The name indicated that they are the churches' members for these initially not the child baptism, but they became the given church community's members based on their personal decision. The free church name later from the historical churches (they belong to the historical churches in our homeland: Roman Catholic Church, Reformed Church, an Evangelic Church's and the Hungary Jewish Religious Communities' Association) and from the state truth their independence was meant to emphasize. Came in 1945 on Hungary onto Existence The Free Churches' Association, for which they are the Baptists, Methodist, Adventist, Old-catholics, The Christian Sibling Congregation, The Salvation Army and Jewish Congregation Believing in Christ they were his members. Are applicable to these free churches without a problem in Hungarian relation the small churches indication, since he is the fraction of their number of members for the historical churches'. (This indication would be problematic mutual for example in USA where they are the believers between the Christian communities his staff numbers considering the Baptists and the Methodist ones precede it the Catholic's and the Protestant churches' number of members.).

We have to mention that it is a church and the sect mostly in the Christian theology here (possibly free church) grouping appears in the religious communities' look.

2.             SECT

The sect word with a Latin origin, and are attributable to two different concepts: 1. „secare” - to prune, to cut off; 2. „sequor, sequi” - to delegate. Both expressions telling: we may call those communities sect on his first basis, that they separated out from one of the churches. (In generality true, that quasi all sect in the shade of one of the world religions, is active feeding on its roots, onto any amount they would love "tabula rasa"-to create their departure.) The second expression indicates that these religious groups hold themselves up exclusively Christ (not Christian sect you are the given religious doctrine on his case person) real, legitimate and for his selected followers. Fact at the same time, that the sect for a word in the Hungarian language quite burdened and a negative has a meaning, what is certain from the beginning already in many cases into the framework of prejudices his lock the from them truth speech. In as much we ask the question based on what kind of earmarks we may call a religious community sect, we may mark the next peculiarities then - stressing that he is all, criterion listed below rarely can be referred together and simultaneously onto one of the religious groups.

  1. The community's members swear full faithfulness to their charismatic leader.
  2. The rational mentality is looked at with a bad eye or it is prohibited from totally. The reality white-black, they come close to it with good-bad generalising problem solving.
  3. Missionary testimony and missionary zeal.
  4. Misleading membership recruitment techniques are applied often.
  5. Their members weaken his psychic situation by them being them not from themselves, but from the community, or their problems expect his solution and the making of their decisions of its leader.
  6. The sects only own (you are the leader simply many times driving layer) his material progress interests it and they lie, when it is asserted that the society and the person in needs take pains over the enhancement of his situation.
  7. Full secrecy characterize them in connection with their financial affairs.
  8. One without a tradition: the historical tradition full you are his partial deficiency.
  9. The community's members you are full work is made without a material allocation in favour of the group in their partial spare time.
  10. The sects' members separate themselves from the external world, it is rejected: lock is lived in a world.
  11. The community's and his members' superiority feeling (Übermensch-consciousness).
  12. Full salvation certainty.
  13. Exclusivity, that is into the sole possession of the truth made faith.
  14. The sole survivors of the doomsday ensuing soon will be the community's members exclusively.

Yet before ourselves would fall into the mistake of the black-white view, the above listed, from our own visual angle for a negative, you are for incomplete one we have to mention it beside a behaviour considered exaggerater, that the sects know advantages like that many times to provide of what the big churches are not capable due to their structural character from time to time for their members: regular gatherings; direct, homely atmosphere; contacts, the fast development of friendships, each other helping him in the privacy; mutual acknowledgement. It is necessary to compare the advantages listed here with the drawbacks whatever and it is necessary to look at it, that where tilts the balance's language, or what kind of long-term disadvantages the short-range benefits are accompanied by for the community's members how in the course of his personality development.

Although he is sect and there is a difference between sect since a relatively important role is spent in the today's Hungary religious life in, according to a name worthy to mention between the sects Jehova's Witnesses, the Congregation of the Faith (Hit Gyülekezet) and the Scientology Church."

Source: Wikipedia


The sect an bigger religious, cultural, political, you are social from a viewpoint well from a distinct group, separating, with it conflicting smaller group.

The conceptual interpretation

Wider or narrower meanings

Extended meanings

This word meant a denomination simply simply originally or tendency, Josephus Flavius used it for example The Jewish War title in his work for the three tendencies of the Jewish religion (Pharisee, Sadducee, Essenes) onto his name. Today in a sense in use but inside the religion denominations (inside the Christianity the Catholic, Reformed, Evangelic, Unitarian, Baptist) they do not count as sect, yet if they are very small (for example the Baptists), rather from small churches custom to speak.

Destructive/constructive views/practices

Narrower meanings

Commonplace and in a narrower meaning the sect word like that, generally religious (in an extended meaning possibly social) indicates a group, into which law clashing, makes a confession concerning destructive views for the society's single considerable part extremely (the necessity of a murder suicide, physical self-sacrifice), or calls for actions like this, you are despite their principles qualified by the society as constructive though the respective small community's members (their particularly leaders) destructive practice is continued after all. For example: They the religious/in an extended meaning social groups, which ones the harassment you are exceeding the legality it is observed, the members of theirs who stepped out of their organism are pursued.

Abuziv/destructive views/practices

The faith basic principles like that and practices being founded on them/teachings and which ones, the members are drawn into things like that, or the members acquire things like that, on which number area adverse the individual personal, in his spiritual life, a negative being effective many times the individual in their person alley contacts too expresses himself. For example: A religious leader through expectations compels onto one of the religious organism's members thing like that with which one the member does not feel well. For example, that let him lie, with it the manipulated with teaching supporting, that if he does not do this then does not stain to find salvation, and in this manner long. (Hungarian Ethnographic Encyclopaedia)


Are the religious groupings separating out from the historical churches in the 19-20. century and tendencies. They are similar to the late-mediaeval heretic movements in many features, for which but he did not leave traces behind in our folk culture, and they do not have a constant contact with the today's Hungary sects. The sects consist in an eye with the institutional denominations, they for false one, it is kept saying themselves to a sinner and faithless one the true and for best religious faithful ones. Their teachings the Bible a book of his, his chapter, possibly onto the highlighting of some sentences of his and absolutising they lay the its foundations. The church organism's necessity and the institutional clergyman training are rejected generally, lay preachers keeping their original occupation often guide their congregations. The severe religious laws and observing rules characterize the sects and the pious religious, he is fanatic adoration sometimes. With consumer goods (tobacco, alcohol) they do not live generally. Mostly obscurant (film, a television is not looked at, not books with a religious object are not read), they do not go having fun. The not they separate from sect members, reserved, mostly their religious obligation it endogam marriage.

The sects were torn out of the protestant churches primary, because of this in teaching them usual can be found for the protestant churches from the Roman Catholic Church his notion made a confession (for example from the fast, from the churches' pictures and from his sculptures, from the saints). The sects on Hungary generally the protestant (reformed) from churches' members their believers were recruited from the 1840 years continuous. Their big spreading fell between 1890-1920. On Hungary the sects' first distributors in West-europe they were craftsman lads beaten. It originally typical urban and not the teachings of sects with a peasant root but you expand in a smaller measure on Hungary the industrial working class and among the urban citizenry, their members primary from peasants it was recruited. The social misery and discontent took a numerous poor peasant and an agrarian proletarian into the sects, that let him find religious consolation and calming down there. They were sect members on the other hand, for who him craving the intimater religious life in the past century strongly liberalized and became rigid protestant churches it was not able to be satisfied. Aggrieved multiplied the sect members' number opposite the institutional churches in a smaller measure. The Hungary sects are all with a foreign country origin.


He is typical peasant sect. He started spreading the early from among the sects on Hungary. His founder Samuel Frőchlich who was disillusioned with the rational theology of his age was Swiss reformed clergyman. Lajos Hencsey brought the Nazarene teachings from him directly in 1839 from his Zurich congregation roman catholic craftsman lad, he is who was the sect's first distributor with a big effect on Hungary. First on the neighbourhood of Balaton, then in Liptó, much arose on the Noon-Alföld after 1849 faithful the nazarene's. Apart from hungarians german, slovak and you obtain serbian faithful ones. The Nazarene dogmata were distributor wayfaring craftsmen and "peasant prophets". The nazarene themselves Christ it is called a believer. Extraordinary deep religious piety and austerity characterize them. The prohibition of the oath and the "not kill" commandment absolutise and the armed military service is denied because of this. Their dogmata tally with that of Baptists presenting himself as sect likewise first on Hungary with respect to much, who grew up in an age likewise drawing they are baptized.


He is sect with an American origin. His founder William Miller Baptist was a farmer, who calculated it, and prophesied Christ two onto land his coming. Recruited faithful one with big mass initially, after but the predicted 1843, Christ's return did not ensue in the 1844 year then, the Adventist sect faithful lost and they fell on two tendencies. Their new prophetess White a woman preached that Christ did not come because of that, because the Christian ones celebrate the Sunday instead of the Saturday and this terrible big sin. The sect has to fight for the Saturday holiday for his keeping, and Christ comes then, if 144 000 will be the numbers of the faithful ones. For the Adventist ones the Saturday celebration and the seven-day arrangement of the time absolutising his branch is called Seventh-day Adventists. Their dogmata are similar to the Baptists' in much (adults drawing they are baptizing). Not only from the alcoholic drink and from the tobacco, but from the pork, they abstain from the tea and the coffee. The Lord's Supper it is kept the custom of the foot washing and their patients are spread on oil. The numerology characterize them (the time of Christ's return is calculated), the kabbalah, the active religious document dissemination and the enthusiastic, he is overjoyed conversion activity. This sect onto Hungary presumably on the past century's end, on the present century's front America was found with emigrants beaten. Urban and expanded equally between village-proletarian.

Pentecostals, pentecostal movement:

"Evangelical Christian" ones call themselves his congregation. Sect with an American origin, the Baptist stood out from a religion, his teachings stand to it nearest. Agrarian proletarian beaten spread America in the century's first decades on Hungary. The pentecostals have severe church discipline, but more liberal and opener at the Nazarene and at Adventist ones. For the faithful ones their most capital duty the good and the practice of gracious actions, the needy helping, the patients are his nursing and the eager pieties. The pentecostals the fact of the conversion absolutise. It is caught in that manner, than the direct penetration of the Holy Spirit into the plain believer's soul, that roams on the "languages with the talent of a proverb". That is the believer's loud prayer then the deep, if he is loud, incoherent, with meaningless words, changed with a face and performs it following with fervid gestures, "He sounds on languages". Their name from the commemoration of the filling in of the first Holy Spirit, from Whitsun lasts.

Millenizm believers, jehovist or Jehovah's Witnesses:

Their name from there lasts, how it is calculated and it is waited for in the Bible, in the Book Of The Apparitions prophesied the "coming of a millennial realm". From their founder, Russel name from an American wholesaler "russelists" too enter sporting event they. The jehovist separated out from the Adventist ones. Russel founded it in 1878 and onto a military organism's sample organized the sect, which is the International Bible Students' Association in 1913, name recorded it. Just because of this the jehovist unprecedented big aggressiveness, a religious intolerance and fanatic propagation of the faith characterize it. The Holy Trinity and the immortality of the soul are denied, because of this the historical churches, neither somebody else sects do not consider them Christian ones. The jehovist have an international network organized most well. Their central sheet is published on many of the world's languages (Watchtower). Their sect centre, which covers the expenses of the conversions, in the suburb of New York in Broocklyn resides. The law does not allow them working on Hungary because of their antisocial. Somebody else Hungary sects for example it the ancient-christian you are a denominational group for Henrik Jenő Schmitt gnostic philosophy follower, faithful because of the narrow circle of his little number and their spreading, with smaller significance. The lawful acknowledged and church got organized sects the Free Churches' Council Unites it on Hungary.

From the definitions hit on Zetatalk website I quote a couple of rows:

The people insist on a cult because of the successors or to a religion: it is being looked for the somewhere the feeling of a debt, the identity, it, that let him be the authority of their word, the answer is looked for for their questions or they are hoping for a rescue. The religions require it from their followers, that without a question believe. It is told what it is necessary to believe and it is punished often or it is intimidated, he is who questions the doctrines. The sects make their followers a pendant emotional, they are removed from the relatives, they fall into a trap in this manner.


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